Rana Dasgupta Honored With Best Book Award at the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize

G Breaking News,13 April 2010


Rana Dasgupta Honored With Best Book Award at the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize

Rana Dasgupta, the British-Indian author of 38 years has won 10,000 British Pounds as best book prize for his solo novel “bold” at The Commonwealth Writers’ Prize. It is a yearly event that identifies literature from the former British colonies. The author took birth in Kent but now resides in New Delhi.

The finalists from the various Commonwealth countries across the world gathered in the Indian capital to hold debates on their writings that were examined by the judges. The Regional winners from countries like Africa, the South East Asia and Pacific area, Caribbean and Canada, South Asia and Europe were also recognized.

The Australian writer, Glenda Guest bagged the prize for first book with her novel Siddon Rock for its “rich cast of odd characters”.

The panel of judges complimented Dasgupta’s work as “breathtaking” that depicts the moments where hackneyed reality and fantasy meet each other.

Praising the winners, Mark Collins, the head of the Commonwealth Foundation said,

“The two books chosen by the judges are ones that take us on unexpected journeys and challenge our conventional assumptions.”