Interactive session with Gopal Prasad Mudgal

A discussion organized with acclaimed writer Gopal Das Prasad Mudgal. Hetu Bharadwaj was in conversation with Mudgal ji discussing various aspects of his work.

Gopal Das Prasad Mudgal has achieved immense popularity and recognition over the decades in the field of Braj literature. He has also been the General Secretary of Brajkala Kendra, Mathura.  His books Geet Geet RoshniPrerak Pacheesi and Smritiyon Ke Jharokhein Se have received lot of appreciation in the world of literature. He was the recipient of the Best Teacher Award at state level. He has received Brajkala Kendra’s Ramlala PuraskarShyam Brajvibhuti Puraskar and Shyamacharan Shyam Puraskar of Hathras’s. He has also been awarded Rajasthan Sahitya Academy’s literary award.

For more on the event & pictures, click here.