
Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata by Devdutt Pattanaik

In this enthralling retelling of India’s greatest epic, Devdutt Pattanaik seamlessly weaves into a single narrative, plots from the Sanskrit classic as well as its many folk and regional variants. Richly illustrated and abound with little-known details such as the names of the hundred Kauravas, the worship of Draupadi as a goddess in Tamil Nadu, the stories of Astika, Madhavi, Jaimini, Aravan and Barbareek, the Mahabharata version of the Shakuntalam and the Ramayana, and the dating of the war based on astronomical data.

Eden (Kannada) by Devdutt Pattanaik

A one-of-its-kind book where the author having looked at Indian myths and mythology with great success, now offers a unique retelling of the fascinating Abrahamic Lore.

Bahubali: 63 Insights into Jainism by Devdutt Pattanaik

In Bahubali, Devdutt Pattanaik explores the stories, symbols, rituals and ideas associated with one of India’s most ancient but lesser-known faiths, and shows us why the tenets of Jainism are still very relevant for all of us even today.

Terrestrials (working title) by Nusrat Durrani

From the cowgirls of Montana to punks in Istanbul, to obsessed lovers and beautiful losers in the New York City subway, the fervent, the glamorous, and the damned, Terrestrials is a passionately crafted collectible, featuring an array of eclectic portraits and shimmering nudes that are as stunning as they are haunting and unforgettable. It is an homage to the wild diversity of the humans and animals that wander the earth.