Category: Mythology
Publisher (English): Westland Books
Publisher (Hindi): Rajpal and Sons
Publisher (Italian): OM Edizioni SNC
Publisher (Marathi): Popular Prakashan
Publisher (Russian): Sophia Publishing Group
Publisher (Tamil): Westland Books
Rights: Translation rights available for Indian and International languages excluding Hindi, Italian, Marathi, Russian, Tamil
Lakshmi massages Vishnu’s feet. Is this male domination?
Kali stands on Shiva’s chest. Is this female domination?
Shiva is half a woman. Is this gender quality? Why then is Shakti never half a man?
Taken literally, stories, symbols and rituals of Hindu mythology have much to say about gender relationships. Taken symbolically, they reveal many more things about humanity and nature. Which is the correct reading?
The fourth title in the bestselling ’7 Secrets’ series focuses on the Goddess, and respected mythologist Dr Devdutt Pattanaik tries to unravel the secrets locked within her stories, symbols and rituals.
The author: Devdutt Pattanaik